Celica Club Cyprus
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Sinantisi gia na sizitisoume gia tin ek8esi tou Burn Out kai gia 8emata tou CLUB MAS

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Sinantisi gia na sizitisoume gia tin ek8esi tou Burn Out kai gia 8emata tou CLUB MAS Empty Sinantisi gia na sizitisoume gia tin ek8esi tou Burn Out kai gia 8emata tou CLUB MAS

Post by TOYOTA_CELICA Sun Sep 11 2011, 15:15

Agapita meloi,stis 12-13 Noevri 8a ginei i ek8esi tou Burn Out kai mas enimerwsan oti iparxoun 8eseis gia to CLUB mas.H simetoxi mas 8a einai me 5 autokinita pros 40euro gia ka8e autokinito.Kaliste se sinantisi gia ena xalarwtiko kafe stis 17/9/11 Sabbato i wra 4:00 to apogeuma sto Beanery stin Egkwmi.Ekei 8a milisoume gia tin ek8esi kai gia alla 8emata tou club.Gia dilwseis simetoxis gia to kafe i kai gia osous den mporesoun na er8oun sto kafe dilwsis simetoxis stin ek8esi sto 99-741777 Andreas

Posts : 52
Join date : 2010-06-04
Age : 37
Location : Ag.Dometios , Nicosia

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